Our Customers are Important to Us
As part of our regular customer satisfaction process, every client is contacted immediately following their audit. This helps TRC ensure that we are providing services that are meaningful and focused on our customers’ demands.
We have implemented the customer satisfaction system developed by Fred Reichheld in his book The Ultimate Question. The Ultimate Question – “How likely is it that you would recommend TRC to a friend or colleague” is asked of every client and the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is measured and trends are tracked.
TRC has an NPS of 98%.
TRC has an NPS of 98%.
The Net Promoter System is a way of doing business. It requires that every level of the organization be rigorously and consistently focused on the quality of customer and employee relationships. Installing the Net Promoter System requires a strategic commitment by company leadership because it defines cultural values and core economics that affect every part of the business system.
The link between customer loyalty and true, sustainable, organic growth is well established, and provides companies with powerful, measurable financial incentives to install the Net Promoter System. But unlike financial accounting rules that tempt companies to chase short-term profits at the expense of customer loyalty, the Net Promoter System requires—and inspires—our entire organization to do right by our customers and employees. It is the business equivalent of the Golden Rule: treat others as you yourself would want to be treated.
Pride in Service
TRC prides itself on being the most innovative and client-service focused Certification Bodies in North America.
Our customer satisfaction process consists of dedicated Client Service Managers who regularly follow-up with their clients to get timely feedback, which is then passed back to the audit team. This allows us to continually improve the way we operate and enhance the experience for our clients.