World Accreditation Day 2019 highlights the role of accreditation in adding value to supply chains.
The following was originally posted on the IAF website
Supply chains provide a vital role in delivering products and services for consumers, business and the public sector in a timely, cost-efficient and quality manner. Supply chains are constantly evolving from complex systems crossing multiple borders to new and diverse supply chains aimed at ensuring all stakeholders’ requirements are met, including the need for ensuring sustainability and responsible supply.
Accreditation and, with it, other quality infrastructure tools such as standards, metrology and conformity assessment, provide widely accepted tools that help deliver value to the supply chain. These tools help with trust and assurance, enabling confidence in both final products and services and the manner in which they are placed on the market and used.
From the accreditation of laboratories which test the safety of toys, the inspection of manufacturing processes, to the accredited certification of food manufacturers to food safety standards, accreditation adds value to supply chains by supporting the wide spectrum of needs of interested parties.
Global supply chains which cross international borders are significant beneficiaries of the global nature of accreditation. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) both manage accreditation based on internationally developed and accepted standards. As such, laboratories, inspection bodies and certification bodies are accredited against international standards. Conformity assessment bodies, in turn, use global standards to evaluate samples, products, services, management systems and persons. By having this global accreditation system in place, confidence is provided for each leg of supply chains, helping businesses deliver products and services which, most importantly, consumers can trust.
– Source
For a more in-depth look at Accreditation adds value to the supply chain, and to learn about topics like World Accreditation Day, download the full report here.